This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-07-11 at 12:00 p.m.
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Internet Resources Corrections

by Adam C. Engst

Chuq Von Rospach of Apple wrote to correct and comment on the article about Apple's Internet resources in TidBITS-233. We got the URL for the Apple Business Systems FTP server slightly wrong - the best one is:

The idea is that when the great coherency campaign begins (and Chuq has plans for it already), that directory will be easy for the other Apple FTP sites to mirror, making it easier to bounce from one to another.

Chuq noted also that the easiest way to get information about and subscribe to the MAE mailing lists is to send email to <> with "info mae-users" in the body of the message. The reply walks you through the entire subscription process. In addition, he recommended checking <> for files before going to the other sites, either via FTP or Gopher at:

Gilbert Rankin <> found another public Apple FTP site, this one containing information on Macintosh Common Lisp and Dylan, an object-oriented programming tool, at:

Finally, Peter Lewis just released Anarchie 1.2.1 to fix some small bugs, and I noticed among the new bookmarks an Apple ATG site (that didn't seem to have anything useful on it, except maybe MPW GCC) at:

And, for those of you who are curious, I got the new copy of Anarchie from: tcp/anarchie-121.hqx