This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-08-29 at 12:00 p.m.
The permanent URL for this article is:
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by Adam C. Engst

LISTSERV Reminder -- Just as a quick reminder, you can subscribe to TidBITS via an Internet mailing list (yes, this works for people on America Online, CompuServe, and so on). To subscribe, send email to <> with this line in the body of the mailfile:

SUBSCRIBE TIDBITS your full name

The corollary to this piece of information is that to change your subscription from one email address to another, first send the SIGNOFF TIDBITS command to <> from your old account, and then subscribe again using the instructions above from your new account. In other words, there is no "change subscription" command. If it's impossible for you to sign off from your old account, I can do it for you, but frankly, if you can work with the automated LISTSERV program, I'm sure it enjoys the task more than I do. [ACE]