This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-09-05 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Tonya Engst

GreenDisk -- Kudos to GreenDisk, a company that recycles obsolete floppy disks and manuals to make fresh floppy disks, which Craig O'Donnell <> recently brought to our attention. Craig writes, "These recycled diskettes come from big-league software publishers who need to ditch last year's upgrade package or unsold inventory. The diskettes themselves - some 12 million last year - adhere to the high quality standards of major software publishers like Aldus and WordPerfect. The GreenDisk company claims that 98.9% of all materials it receives from publishers (including those hefty manuals and that slick packaging) is recycled. The diskettes are erased, relabeled with recycled-paper labels, and resold under the brand name GreenDisk. Egghead Software sells GreenDisks by catalog and vouches for their quality." [TJE]

GreenDisk -- 206/489-2550