This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-10-03 at 12:00 p.m.
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Digital Photography '95 Exhibition

by Howard Goldbaum

Howard Goldbaum <> writes: The Peoria Art Guild presents Digital Photography '95, a juried exhibition to be held 21-Apr-95 to 20-May-95. The entry deadline is 01-Feb-95. This is the second year that the Peoria Art Guild has sponsored this juried competition to explore current work being created in this new medium. The images selected for the exhibition will be shown in both the "physical space" of the gallery, and in the "virtual space" of computer networks, where more than 14,000 people (as of September) have seen the 1994 exhibit. exhibit/

The exhibition of winning entries will open on 21-Apr-95 and will remain on display at the gallery until 20-May-95. Exhibited work may be in any type of two-dimensional print format. Cash prizes totaling $500 will be determined by the jurors, Mark Siprut (author of The Photoshop Handbook, Random House) and Howard Goldbaum (Associate Professor, Bradley University). You may download and print out the entry form available online, at the URL below. For additional information, email Howard at the address above.