This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-10-24 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Pythaeus

Pythaeus writes, "One of our System Engineers just got back from Apple training and said Apple was showing a Mac that I've come to call the MacGinsu. It's a Mac with a 66 MHz PowerPC 601 and a 66 MHz 486 on the motherboard with video in and out for under $2,000."

[What's great about this report is how it compares to one of my 1991 April Fools articles (see TidBITS-52). Compare this sentence: "Hybrid/3 includes a 16 MHz 68030 CPU (and its associated math coprocessor) from Motorola and a 33 MHz 80386 from Intel, along with a custom controller that allows either one to be used independently (one at a time)." Ah, the vagaries of fiction. -Adam]