This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-10-24 at 12:00 p.m.
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LaserWriter 8.2

by Tonya Engst

LaserWriter 8.2 was recently released by Apple, and they recommend using it instead of any previous 8.x driver. Fixes and changes mentioned include: improved printing of PICTs containing rotated objects, improved Chooser setup routine, and a change in the default output device - the 8.2 driver always defaults back to the printer as the print job destination. Evidently, previous versions defaulted to the most recently used destination and - as a result - too many print jobs were accidently faxed via printers that include fax cards.

The version of 8.2 available on the nets does not come with an installer; instead you get the driver and a folder of Apple PPDs. The ReadMe suggests that you use an installer to install a previous version of the 8.x driver before copying the 8.2 driver into your Extensions folder. The ReadMe also recommends trashing your LaserWriter Prefs folder and using the new PPDs. [TJE] laserwriter-8-2.hqx laserwriter-8-2-fax.hqx