This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-12-12 at 12:00 p.m.
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Our FTP site

by Adam C. Engst

Our FTP site at <> (also called <> because it's one of Northwest Nexus's public machines) reeled under the load placed on it as users requested the updater for MacTCP last week. Unfortunately it seems that the machine claimed "user anonymous unknown" when it meant there were too many simultaneous users logged in. Other users experienced "file table overflow" errors that we haven't figured out yet. Don't worry if you receive one of these errors; simply trying again a few times usually works, and you can retrieve the file from the /comm directory of any Info-Mac mirror site. info-mac-mirrors.hqx

In addition, Apple's Communications Products & Technologies group recently upgraded the home site for the MacTCP upgrade, <> (a Quadra 700 running FTPd 2.3 and AppleShare 3.0), to handle 25 simultaneous users. [ACE]