This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-01-09 at 12:00 p.m.
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Hayden Sponsoring

by Adam C. Engst

Hayden Sponsoring -- We'd like to welcome our latest sponsor, Hayden Books, the company that publishes Tonya's and my books, along with many other titles. Ever since Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh took off, Hayden has looked at getting on the Internet in a serious way, but the process was complicated by the fact that Hayden is an imprint of Macmillan Computer Publishing. Thus, the Web site that recently appeared had to take into account not just Hayden, but all of the Macmillan Computer Publishing imprints. The site has large amounts of information about the various titles including tables of contents and sample chapters from many books. You can search for specific books, subscribe to a service that alerts you to new books in certain subject areas, and even download software that's bundled with some of the books. You can buy books online if you wish, and all are discounted 20 percent. And, of course, each of the imprints has its own home page. So if you're a computer book fan, check it out. [ACE]