This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-03-06 at 12:00 p.m.
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Nisus Software Returns

by Adam C. Engst

Nisus Software Returns -- We'd like to welcome back Nisus Software as a TidBITS sponsor. For those of you who have been hiding under a rock recently, we just finished a three-part review (starting in TidBITS-263) of Nisus Writer, the latest version of the company's powerful word processor. Their less well-known products include Nisus Compact (sadly lacking the capability to run Nisus Writer macros, in my opinion, since it's otherwise a nicely honed version of Nisus Writer), QUED/M (a powerful programmer's editor), Easy Alarms, and LaserTech Fonts.

The big news at Nisus is that they now have a Web site. Current highlights include company contact information, feedback and guest book forms, links to Nisus Writer-related information on the Web, a page of Nisus Software demos and extra files (including a new filter for QuarkXPress that retains formatting, graphics, and even defined styles if you've attached a named ruler to the style), and a graphical map interface straight from the screen of the Macintosh. Information to look for soon includes technical support questions and answers, online ordering, and hopefully more tongue-in-cheek touches like the one you get when clicking the Trash icon or the Apple menu icon.

It makes sense for a company as international as Nisus Software to make heavy use of the Internet and the Web, and their Web site, and an accompanying FTP site, are at:

Note that the character before the last "nisus" in the http URL above is a tilde. Some mail gateways swap it with other characters, and the resulting URLs don't work, causing no end of frustration. [ACE]