This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-04-10 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Adam C. Engst

A number of people wrote in to tell us about ClockAdjust and AutoClock, two other free utilities for keeping a Macintosh clock on track (see TidBITS-271). Although these utilities don't use the Internet (can you imagine!), many will find them useful. Both help you deal with Daylight Savings Time and also automatically fix deviations in the Macintosh clock. In addition, AutoClock can use a modem to dial an atomic clock and update the time. Although calling an atomic clock requires a long distance call, the call cost one reader a whopping 12 cents, so it would take a number of calls to add up to even a standard shareware fee. [ACE] clock-144.hqx adjust-12.hqx