This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-05-08 at 12:00 p.m.
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Internet Config 1.1

by Geoff Duncan

Internet Config 1.1 -- Peter Lewis and Quinn have also released Internet Config 1.1. As originally reported in TidBITS-255, Internet Config stores a central set of global Internet settings for use by Internet Config-savvy applications, such as Anarchie, NewsWatcher, and NewsHopper. Internet Config handles settings and preferences for email and news, file suffix mapping, news and file transfer preferences, helper applications, and personal information like signatures and plan files. Version 1.1 is more reliable under System 6 and on Power Macs, and includes new features for developers working on Internet Config-savvy applications.

Why get this package if Internet Config is bundled in with the latest version of Anarchie? Simple: the package contains valuable goodies such as ICeTEe, an extension that enables you to Command-click URLs in any application that uses TextEdit (such as Eudora, SimpleText, and NotePad, but not most word processors), and Internet Config RandomSignature, an extension that allows Internet Config to provide random signatures in Internet Config-aware applications. Peter and Quinn have also released source code and a developer's kit for Internet Config. [GD] internet-config-11.hqx /internet-config-11-p.hqx /internet-config-kit-11.hqx