This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-07-03 at 12:00 p.m.
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WorldScript Support in ClarisWorks 4.0

by Dan Kogai

Dan Kogai <> writes:

Since making HTML documents is one of my tasks, I was excited to see in TidBITS-283 that ClarisWorks 4.0 was shipping. I immediately purchased the upgrade online from Cyberian Outpost and it came in a few days. Here's what I found: HTML? Yes! WorldScript support? Nah. ClarisWorks 4.0 does have WorldScript preferences, and it did show Japanese text, with trouble. ClarisWorks 4.0 did not calculate the width of 2-byte character codes correctly, so the text didn't select or wrap correctly. This is hardly satisfactory. I expected true WorldScript support like Nisus Writer. We have the "kurarisuwaakusu" (Japanese) version of ClarisWorks, which is a best-seller in Japan, but it's only version 2.0 and the HTML translator doesn't work with it! The HTML translator of ClarisWorks 4.0 is great, but I have to write HTML both in English and Japanese. It's a good thing I have Nisus Writer handy, which can also handle HTML. [With an excellent set of HTML macros from Sandra Silcot - see the second URL below. -Adam] nisus-ss-html-macros-20.hqx