This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-07-03 at 12:00 p.m.
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QuickTime 2.0

by Mark H. Anbinder

QuickTime 2.0 is now available for Mac and Windows directly over the Internet. Until now, QuickTime 2.0 has been available only with the purchase of System 7.5, or a Mac with 7.5 pre-installed, or Mac or Windows multimedia software that includes a copy. Apple's new QuickTime-oriented Web server offers Mac or Windows versions for $9.95 using First Virtual's Internet payment system for secure credit card transactions. The software is sent directly to the purchaser's computer via FTP. According to Apple Software Licensing, QuickTime 2.0 may also now be purchased via CompuServe, and other online services might get into the game. [MHA]