This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-07-10 at 12:00 p.m.
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Sound Manager 3.1 Hurrahs

by Geoff Duncan

Sound Manager 3.1 Hurrahs -- Last week, Apple released version 3.1 of the Sound Manager, which consists of a new Sound control panel (version 8.0.5) and a new Sound Manager extension. Along with numerous bug fixes (some of which have saved me a lot of trouble), Sound Manager 3.1 includes support for IMA 4:1 compression (often used for 16-bit, CD-quality music) and uLaw 2:1 compression (often used for voice and telephony applications, and the basis of the ".au" file format seen so often on the Web). Sound Manager 3.1 also includes more PowerPC-native code and (finally!) allows asynchronous playback of alert sounds. If you do any audio-intensive work - or just want to give your Power Mac games a little boost - it's worth a look. [GD] updates/US/Macintosh/system_sw/other_sys _sw/Sound_Manager_3.1.hqx