This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-07-24 at 12:00 p.m.
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Renaming of MailShare

by Rex Sanders

Rex Sanders <> writes in regard to Apple's acquisition of Glenn Anderson's popular MailShare and its subsequent renaming (see TidBITS-284):

I was at Mactivity, too, and talked to the "corporate naming weenie" at Apple who came up with "Apple Internet Mail Server."

First, without naming names, I've known this guy for about five years - he isn't a weenie. Second, he apologized for the name. Just a few days before the product announcement, Apple lawyers told him that MailShare had trademark problems, and they didn't have time to make an extensive search for any creative names. What could they approve? Anything generic, that started with the word Apple. So, we got Apple Internet Mail Server. Blame the lawyers. At least it's descriptive.