This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-08-07 at 12:00 p.m.
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Netscape 1.1N Patch for SLIP

by Geoff Duncan

Netscape 1.1N Patch for SLIP -- It appears that Netscape has released patchers to Netscape 1.1N which install improved networking code that should "crash less on SLIP-based connections." I'm all in favor of Netscape crashing less; however, a couple notes are in order. First, it appears that the patchers only operate on Netscape 1.1N; folks who paid for Netscape Navigator have reported problems using the patch on the version 1.1 that they purchased. (A work-around might be to grab a freely-available copy of 1.1N from Netscape's site.) Also, it's probably a good idea to keep an unpatched version of Netscape around, just in case the patch doesn't help or makes things worse. So, if you access the Internet via SLIP, the patchers are available at the following URL - make sure to grab the one matching the version of Netscape you use. There's no word right now whether this patch helps with PPP connections, and the ReadMe file is remarkably unhelpful. [GD] patch/