This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-09-04 at 12:00 p.m.
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Hidden Features of Control Panel Apps

by Benjamin Turner

Benjamin Turner <> writes:
While exploring the new Power Mac 7200, I eventually noticed that a number of the new control panels ran more or less like applications and had their own menus. It took me a long while to notice, since I don't generally expect control panels to have any effect on the Finder's menus (although, since the release of System 7, the Users & Groups control panel has confused innumerable people by modifying the File menu). If it's a control "panel," it would seem to me that everything should appear on that "panel." Anyone who has one of the new breed of machines should investigate new control panels for features hidden in the menus, like the auto-save features of the Energy Saver control panel.