This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-09-11 at 12:00 p.m.
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More Update Madness

by Geoff Duncan

More Update Madness -- Several readers commented on Wagner Truppel's article in TidBITS-293 regarding updating your computer to System 7.5.1. Some mentioned that peculiar problems can result from not updating the drivers for hard disks and removable media (especially SyQuest cartridges) to drivers known to be compatible with the new system version. Also, many readers noted that pressing Command-Shift-K when using the System 7.5 installer activates a hidden feature that creates a "clean" System Folder and renames the old System Folder. Though the Command-Shift-K trick is useful, Apple could make such functionality more accessible. This is not Windows; cryptic keystrokes aren't helpful. [GD]