This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-09-25 at 12:00 p.m.
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New DeskWriter Drivers for PCI Macs

by Geoff Duncan

New DeskWriter Drivers for PCI Macs -- Last week, Hewlett-Packard released version 6.0.3 of its DeskWriter drivers which attempt to correct serial printing problems on the Power Mac 7200, 7500, and 9500 using HP's DeskWriter, DeskWriter C, 510, 520, 540, 550c and 560c printers. (See TidBITS-294 for a description of serial printing problems on these machines.) So far, indications are that the new drivers are working well for most people; however, some users report various (possibly unrelated) problems remain. The drivers are available on HP's CompuServe and AOL forums as well as via the Internet, and are distributed as a disk images between 1 and 2 MB in size. The URL below points to the English version; localized versions for German, French, Dutch, European English, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish are available in the same directory. [GD] software/dw110en.hqx