This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-10-23 at 12:00 p.m.
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300 Reasons the Mac is Great

by TidBITS Editors and Friends

We wanted to do something a bit out of the ordinary as a celebration for our 300th issue. Eventually, we decided the best way to celebrate TidBITS would be to celebrate the machine that has given us our inspiration for the last five and a half years - the Macintosh.

With the help of some friends, we came up with 300 reasons why the Mac has made it to where it is today. Apple may have its problems, but the company still managed to ship 1.02 million Macs in the second quarter of 1995.

We don't pretend that the 300 entries below are complete, and we're sure there are some egregious omissions. We're only human, and we don't intend the list to be exhaustive or exhausting to research. As such, please don't send us your personal list of reasons why the Mac is great, your line-by-line analysis of our list, things you think we left out, or things you're offended we included. This is a one-shot deal, and we already get plenty of mail.

We wish to thank our friends who helped create this list, including:

Can't Get Enough? Before we get on to the 300 reasons, we wanted to pass on a related note. If you just love reading this sort of Macintosh propaganda, you'll love Apple Fellow Guy Kawasaki's <> new mailing list. It's one-way only, so you don't have to worry about long, drawn-out flame wars. Instead, you get to read great things Guy sends out about Apple. Guy, acting as self-proclaimed "List Pope," writes:

Attention: raging, inexorable Macintosh evangelists! Want to help people buy the right platform and defeat the hegemony that seeks to dominate us all? I've created a mailing list for evangelists of the Macintosh Way.

If you join this list, you'll get sporadic, but interesting, postings such as press releases, announcements, and special offers to help the Macintosh cause. This is a one-to-many list, so your mailbox won't be cluttered with chozzerai. To join, send an email message to <>. The server will respond with information about subscribing.

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