This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-10-30 at 12:00 p.m.
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Double Your RAM

by Tonya Engst

Double Your RAM -- RAM Doubler, Connectix's popular RAM-doubling utility, now doubles RAM on more Macs than ever before. The newly released version 1.6 adds compatibility with the following new Macintosh lines:

If you haven't run out to buy one of the new Macintoshes, but do use RAM Doubler, you may benefit from the fixes also included in version 1.6. According to the ReadMe file, people using RAM Doubler on 6100 DOS Compatibles can now successfully transfer files to floppy disks while in DOS mode. Also, Connectix has fixed problems with sending AppleMail enclosures over PowerTalk, file transfer over certain LocalTalk configurations, and an incompatibility resulting from using both RAM Doubler and SpeedDoubler together with certain Power Mac upgrade cards. RAM Doubler 1.6 also improves FWB SCSI JackHammer compatibility and incorporates the RAM Doubler/Symantec Project Manager 8.0 Patch. RAM Doubler owners can acquire the update to version 1.6 online or by calling Connectix and asking them to mail the update on a floppy disk. If you choose the floppy disk route, note that Connectix charges a $9.95 shipping and handling fee. [TJE]

Connectix -- 800/950-5880 -- 415/571-5100 -- 415/571-5195 (fax) -- <> doubler-16-updt.hqx