This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-11-06 at 12:00 p.m.
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PageMill Ships

by Tonya Engst

If you tune into HTML-oriented chatter on the nets, you almost certainly have heard some of the excitement over Adobe shipping PageMill 1.0, the much-anticipated, graphically-oriented, Web page creation tool. Originally developed by the now-acquired Ceneca Communications, PageMill enables Web authors to create pages without working directly with HTML tags. The $99 PageMill lends itself to slick demos, and it nearly blew my socks off when I saw it last August at Boston Macworld. Although PageMill will work on some less well-endowed Macintoshes and with any version of System 7, Adobe recommends using the software on a 68040- or PowerPC-based Mac, with 6 MB of free application RAM, 3.5 MB of hard disk space, and a color monitor.

TidBITS will review PageMill soon; in the meantime, the PageMill mailing list (monitored by people at Adobe) has had some discussions of good and bad features, with much of the concern focusing on PageMill's lack of table support and its use of <br> tags when <p> tags would be more appropriate. People on the list have reported successfully purchasing the electronic version of PageMill from Adobe, though when you purchase the electronic version, you must have a fax number so Adobe can fax you a special URL, which you then use to download the program. orderform.html

Others on the list reported ordering and receiving more traditional shrink-wrapped copies of PageMill from MacMall, and my contact at Adobe says that many popular mail order vendors have PageMill available. Information about the PageMill mailing list is available at the URL below.

Adobe -- 800-411-8657 -- 206-628-2749