This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-11-20 at 12:00 p.m.
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Energy Saver and 1710AV Monitors

by Geoff Duncan

Energy Saver and 1710AV Monitors -- An article in Apple's Tech Info library confirms reports of problems using Energy Saver with Apple's new 1710AV monitor. According to Apple, 1710AV monitors with serial numbers between SG522xxxxxx and SG536xxxxxx (inclusive) may randomly cycle while in Energy Saver mode, causing the power LED to randomly flash along with popping and clicking from the monitor itself. Units with serial numbers greater than SG537xxxxxx are not affected. This repeated cycling is hard on the monitor and may cause it to fail; Apple recommends disabling System Sleep in the Energy Saver control panel until the monitor can be serviced. If you have such a monitor, contact your Apple dealer or call 800/SOS-APPL. Be warned: there are reports of Apple refusing to exchange or accept returns of affected 1710AV monitors even if they have been hammered (and possibly damaged) by this problem. [GD]