This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-12-18 at 12:00 p.m.
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PPP Comments & Updates

by Adam C. Engst

PPP Comments & Updates -- Travis Butler <> passed on a summary of the messages he received about his two-part PPP overview starting in TidBITS-306:
Many comments concerned the now-defunct MacPPP 2.2.0a. Some people found it worked with Open Transport 1.0.8 and on later PowerBooks than my 170. A few people also mentioned a MacPPP 2.2.1 release supposedly floating around on sites in Europe; Lieven Embrechts (the contact for 2.2.0a who now recommends the new version of FreePPP) said it is a pirated version, not released by MacBel, and that it should be removed from the net.

FreePPP comments included a reminder that FreePPP requires Color QuickDraw and won't run on the Plus, SE, Classic, or PowerBook 100. FreePPP 1.0.4 should be available this week, fixing the bug that plagued 1.0.3. The next major version of FreePPP is slated to be called FreePPP 2.5 at Apple's request. The 2.5 version number should eliminate confusion created by FreePPP having a lower version number than all other MacPPP variants. FreePPP 2.5 is supposed to include some bug fixes from Apple (the Apple Internet Connection Kit dialer is based on FreePPP). Finally, early versions of FreePPP conflicted with Aladdin's CyberFinder 2.0 demo, although it's fixed in FreePPP 1.0.2, despite CyberFinder's Read Me. [ACE]