This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1995-12-18 at 12:00 p.m.
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More Secure Mac Web Servers

by Adam C. Engst

More Secure Mac Web Servers -- StarNine recently released the $1,295 WebSTAR SSL Security Toolkit. The Security Toolkit includes WebSTAR/SSL, a version of WebSTAR that uses the open-standard SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol developed by Netscape Communications and RSA Technologies. It also comes with additional utilities for setting up and running a secure Web site. The SSL protocol provides a secure channel of communications to prevent eavesdropping on Web connections, server authentication to verify the identity of the originating Web site, and data integrity to ensure that the transmitted data arrives intact. To take advantage of the security features of WebSTAR/SSL, users must use an SSL-capable Web browser, such as Netscape Navigator. [ACE] webstarssl.html