This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-02-05 at 12:00 p.m.
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And Now, NetPresenz!

by Adam C. Engst

And Now, NetPresenz! Peter Lewis <> has released NetPresenz 4.0, a major upgrade and name change from FTPd 3.0. The name change comes in response to the fact that NetPresenz is now a full-featured Web server that supports CGI scripts in addition to the FTP and Gopher capabilities of past versions. Also new is support for Open Transport, which will probably improve performance by a noticeable amount. NetPresenz remains $10 shareware, and it is a free upgrade for anyone who registered FTPd since 01-Jan-95; previous users may upgrade for $5. If WebSTAR or InterServer Publisher is too pricey for your blood, NetPresenz's $10 shareware fee is one of the best deals around. [ACE] /net-presenz-400.hqx