This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2010-06-21 at 1:22 a.m.
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Waveboard 1.1

by Doug McLean

Dirk Holtwick's Google Wave client Waveboard [1] for the Mac has made some changes to its browsing engine to work with Safari 5. These changes, introduced in version 1.1, include exchanging support for 32-bit mode with support for 64-bit mode (Safari 5 is incompatible with Google Wave under the former). This in turn also means that the Google Gears plug-in, which requires 32-bit mode, is no longer supported by Waveboard - though Google itself is dropping support for the plug-in as HTML5 features become more common in browsers. Forthcoming changes are expected to include support for custom domains and the capability to host multiple accounts; to get these updates automatically, users can turn on "Include beta releases" under Preferences. To learn more about Waveboard, see "Catch a Google Wave with Waveboard [2]" (30 October 2009). (Free/Γé¼12 new, Standard/Pro, 1.9 MB)
