This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2010-05-17 at 11:46 a.m.
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Waveboard 1.0

by Adam C. Engst

Although we've stopped using Google Wave (see "Why Google Wave Needs a Major Overhaul [1]," 11 March 2010), those who haven't given up on Google's flawed next-generation Internet communication and collaboration service would do well to check out the first official release of Dirk Holtwick's Google Wave client Waveboard [2] for the Mac (there's also an iPhone version). Based on WebKit, Waveboard is essentially an enhanced Web browser that's dedicated to Google Wave. Useful enhancements include various notification methods that alert you to changes in your waves, integration with Google Gears for drag-and-drop file uploads, Mac-like keyboard shortcuts, and more. The base version of Waveboard is free, but the Γé¼12 Waveboard Pro [3] adds more-detailed notifications and the capability to save and print waves. For a description of Waveboard's capabilities, see "Catch a Google Wave with Waveboard [4]," 30 October 2009. (Free/Γé¼12 new, 4.9 MB)
