This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-02-19 at 12:00 p.m.
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New URL Format

by Adam C. Engst

New URL Format -- We've finally bowed to pressure and will be listing URLs with angle brackets around them, starting next week with TidBITS-316. We've resisted making this change because our previous URL style was almost completely unambiguous, and we didn't want to add unnecessary characters to each URL. But, with more and more programs wanting URLs to be delimited with angle brackets, we figure this change will make TidBITS easier to read. Note that we still won't give email addresses with the mailto URL format. It's just too ugly (especially in running text) and takes up too much space. Email addresses, especially when delimited with angle brackets, are unambiguous without the mailto part of the URL format. We wanted to call attention to this change so that anyone who has written scripts that depend on the way we write URLs can modify their work before next week. [ACE]