This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2010-04-07 at 1:21 p.m.
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PDF Enhancer 3.5

by Adam C. Engst

Apago's PDF Enhancer [1] may not be the sort of utility every Mac user needs, but for certain professionals, it's a must-have for automating the creation, standardization, and optimization of PDF documents (we rely on it heavily for our Take Control ebooks). Version 3.5 offers faster processing speeds (key in a production environment), improved reliability, clean-up of scanned documents, AES security, and improved font and color handling. With version 3.5, Apago has slimmed the product line, dropping the Standard and Server editions to focus on the Professional and Advanced Server editions. ($349 (Professional)/$1,999 (Advanced Server) new, upgrade prices vary)
