This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2010-03-25 at 11:57 a.m.
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SpamSieve 2.8.1

by Adam C. Engst

Spam started to get you down again? It's a constant battle, but the good guys keep working too, and if you're seeing more spam than you'd like, check out SpamSieve 2.8.1 [1], the latest version of C-Command's powerful Bayesian spam filter, which works with a variety of email clients. Along with changes to keep up with the latest spammer tricks, SpamSieve 2.8.1 resolves several crashing bugs and clarifies certain parts of the documentation. Most other changes revolve around integration with Apple Mail, most notably:

Other minor changes include improvements to the Software Update window and code, a fix where a newly added rule might not be auto-selected, and the removal of some out-of-date localizations. ($30, free update, 6.4 MB)
