This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-02-26 at 12:00 p.m.
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NetDay 96

by Adam C. Engst

NetDay 96 -- On 09-Mar-96, thousands of volunteers in California will go to their local schools and help connect them to the Internet. In each school, volunteers will pull Category 5 twisted pair cable from five classrooms and a library or computer lab to a central wiring closet. Hardware vendors are providing wire, jacks, connectors, and a patch panel at cost (between $350 and $500) and other companies and individuals are sponsoring specific schools by paying for the hardware. Internet access companies including MCI, Netcom, AT&T, and America Online have committed to providing free Internet dialup access for every school in California. Frankly, this is a fabulous way for everyone to put money and time where it can accomplish something. If you want to support education in California, check out the Web page below for the details and to find your local school. If you're not in California, as so many of our readers aren't, keep an eye out for similar projects in your area. If you're really committed, I'm sure the NetDay folks would be happy to provide information on how you can duplicate NetDay in your area. [ACE]
