This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2010-02-09 at 12:22 p.m.
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TidBITS Events at Macworld SF 2010

by Adam C. Engst

Apple may be boycotting Macworld Expo [1], and it may be odd having it a month later than usual, but many TidBITS and Take Control authors will still be in attendance during the show, which takes place from Tuesday, 9 February 2010 through Saturday, 13 February 2010 (but note that the exhibit hall floor is open only on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of that week; Tuesday and Wednesday are for conference sessions). Here's our current schedule, and please do come by and say hello!

Note that once again Macworld Expo takes place in both the new Moscone West and the old Moscone South, so plan for some walking time between the two. If there are any changes or additions, or if we learn about more room numbers, we'll update this article on our Web site, so check back there for the latest right before the show.

Tuesday, February 9th -- Though the expo floor won't open for two more days, there are so many sessions that IDG World Expo starts them on Tuesday.

Thursday, February 11th -- Along with expo floor opening, a number of TidBITS staffers have talks on Thursday.

Friday, February 12th -- Joe has even more to do on Friday, and you can come see Adam and Joe together late in the day.

Saturday, February 13th -- The date change and loss of Apple has freed IDG World Expo to extend Macworld to a Saturday, making it easy for San Francisco residents who can't take time off during the work week to attend. We have a few sessions on Saturday too.

Even More -- Looking for more to do? IDG World Expo has plenty planned, so be sure to check out the Macworld Expo Web site for full details; their PDF-based Hot Sheet [3] brings together all the special events.
