This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2010-01-08 at 8:26 a.m.
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Quick, Reliable Backups with "Take Control of Easy Mac Backups"

by Adam C. Engst

To help you start the new year with the warm fuzzy feeling of a solid backup strategy, we've just published "Take Control of Easy Mac Backups [1]," a new ebook from Joe Kissell that's aimed at helping those whose backup strategy is non-existent, inadequate, or confusing. This ebook is for people who want great backups but know they won't spend much time on them. Joe explains just what you need to know (and no more) to make effective backups that go beyond the limited security of flipping the switch in Time Machine's system preference pane.

This 108-page ebook, which discusses making backups in either Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard or 10.5 Leopard, is a little brother to Joe's 196-page "Take Control of Mac OS X Backups." It is also essentially the second edition of the now-discontinued "Take Control of Easy Backups in Leopard." (If you own "Take Control of Easy Backups in Leopard," check your email for a discount offer or - if you purchased after 1 August 2009 - a free update. If you didn't receive an email message, open your ebook to page 1 and click "Check for Updates" or contact us.)

Joe has been writing about backups for Take Control for years now, and his experience rings true as he walks you through picking out the right hardware and software for your needs and budget, preparing a hard drive for backups, setting up your backup software - he provides specific directions for Time Machine and tips for ChronoSync, CrashPlan, Data Backup, QRecall, and Retrospect - and creating a bootable duplicate. Joe also discusses three strategies for storing an extra backup offsite, and - most important! - he explains how to restore from a backup.

Common questions answered in the book include:

The ebook also comes with coupons for 10 percent off on the CrashPlan online backup service and $30 off Data Backup.
