This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-03-18 at 12:00 p.m.
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Now Utilities 6.0 Public Beta

by Geoff Duncan

Now Utilities 6.0 Public Beta -- Not wanting to miss out on the public beta craze that's now de rigeur among software companies, Now Software has announced a (brief) public beta of Now Utilities 6.0, which it plans to ship on 29-Mar-96. Now Utilities 6.0 updates Now Menus and Super Boomerang, and adds three new components, including Now AutoType, which is supposed to automatically generate macros for repetitively typed words and phrases. Updates for current owners will be $29.95, with a special "buy two, get three" upgrade special. The beta expires on 01-Apr-96. To try the beta, follow the "Download the Demo" link at the URL below. The beta is not available as we wrap up this issue; however, it probably will be by the time you read this. [GD]