This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-03-18 at 12:00 p.m.
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Netscape Posts Two Updates

by Geoff Duncan

Netscape Posts Two Updates -- Netscape has released version 2.01 of Netscape Navigator, which improves on 2.0 by offering security enhancements, including a preference to disable JavaScript. Since the release of Navigator 2.0, several possible security issues have been uncovered, including the ability to surreptitiously gather users' email addresses and other information using JavaScript. One ironic side effect of disabling JavaScript, however, is that Web sites relying heavily on it - including Netscape's - may not load properly, whereas they may load correctly in browsers with no JavaScript support whatsoever. A full installer is available, and a patcher application is available for users who purchased the full not-for-export version.

< 2.01NetscapeInstaller.hqx>
< patch/mac/Netscape2.01USPatch.hqx>
< relnotes/mac-2.01.html>

Netscape's beta release of a Java-enabled version of Navigator for Power Macs also expired last week, prompting Netscape to re-post the release with the expiration date set to 01-Jul-96. No other changes are included in the release. [GD]

< Mac2.0JavaB1.hqx>