This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-11-16 at 6:56 a.m.
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ExtraBITS for 16 November 2009

by TidBITS Staff

Jeff Carlson Takes Control of Your iPhone Apps on MacVoices [1] -- It's difficult work controlling everyone's iPhone apps, but if Chuck Joiner of MacVoices says I'm taking control of your iPhone apps, I must oblige. Actually, I had a great talk with Chuck about my new ebook "Take Control of Your iPhone Apps," why the built-in apps are overlooked in favor of the 100,000 third-party apps available in the iTunes App Store, and how you can learn to use them better, whether you're using an iPhone or an iPod touch.

Rogue Amoeba Suffers Latest App Store Idiocy [2] -- The latest in a long series of embarrassments for the iPhone App Store has been described by long-time Mac developer Rogue Amoeba. In short, it took over 100 days to get a 1.0.1 update to the already-approved Airfoil Speakers Touch app approved because the app displays "Apple-owned graphic symbols" that are provided by a public function in Mac OS X expressly for this purpose. Shameful.

Macworld Suffers App Store Approval "Process" [3] -- Our friends at Macworld found themselves deep in the surreal world of Apple's App Store approval process - if it can be called that - during their attempt to publish an iPhone app version of their "Macworld iPhone & iPod touch Superguide" ebook. Once again, negative publicity turned out to be the eventual solution. When will Apple learn?

Jailbroken iPhones Susceptible to Worm [4] -- TUAW reports on a worm that changes the background wallpaper of jailbroken iPhones whose users failed to change the default password after installing SSH. It's not much of a hole, since few people jailbreak their iPhones, and hopefully most of those who do are sufficiently aware to change the default SSH password. But it's a reminder that if you leave the door open, someone just might come in and do something unpleasant.
