This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-11-05 at 2:07 p.m.
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Google Shows You What It Knows about You

by Glenn Fleishman

With the new Google Dashboard [1], Google has taken another step towards transparency about how it uses all the information it collects about you and which you give it to store. The single location shows a summary of data stored for most services Google operates associated with a particular account of yours (I have two for structural and historical reasons).

Each service shows a summary of top-line information, such as the various email addresses associated with a Google Account or settings for your Google calendar, and then links to management features and the privacy and/or security policies for the service.

[image link] [2]

While this doesn't address all the issues about the mammoth amount of data collection and storage Google undertakes, it's a nice way to see at a glance what we've let the company do - and, with a few clicks, wipe some of that information off its books.
