This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-10-30 at 10:18 a.m.
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Catch a Google Wave with Waveboard

by Adam C. Engst

I'm a big fan of Mailplane [1], Uncomplex's WebKit wrapper for Gmail, because it maintains Gmail's clever interface tricks while adding integration with Mac-specific capabilities like drag-and-drop attachments, Growl notifications, and a built-in screenshot capability. Even better, Mailplane extracts Gmail from the overwhelming morass of open tabs in my Web browser, which is key - I think of email and Web browsing as entirely different tasks, and want them in different applications on the Mac.

So when I heard that a new application called Waveboard [2] promised to provide the same sort of magic for Google Wave [3], for which I'd recently gotten an invite, I jumped at the chance to download the Mac version of Waveboard.

Written by Dirk Holtwick, Waveboard 0.9 is at the moment a rather simple application, since all it really does is display the Google Wave Web page and tie into various system resources. But as with so many Mac applications, it's the little touches that make it successful. To wit:

I can't pretend to be an expert on Google Wave yet. But as various TidBITS staffers get on, we're playing with it more to see how it fits into the Internet communication and collaboration space. If you're also trying to wrap your head around what Google Wave makes possible, give Waveboard a try, since it makes integrating Google Wave into your everyday life significantly easier.

Waveboard requires Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard or later, and it's a 915 KB download. The program is free; Dirk Holtwick hasn't said whether he plans to charge for it in the future as far as I've seen.

Dirk has also released a $0.99 iPhone version of Waveboard that lets you work with Google Wave without Safari's browser controls taking up any screen space. A yet-to-be-approved version of the iPhone app will add push notification and an option to see a read-only list of the most recent waves as soon as the app launches.
