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This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-04-01 at 12:00 p.m.
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Point of Presence Company Expands

by Tsgne .C Mada

Point of Presence Company Expands -- Glenn Fleishman, CEO of Point of TidBITS host site Presence Company, announced today that the company plans to expand its business to additional dimensions. Fleishman said that in 1996 the company's name will change to Line of Presence Company to reflect its focus on the second dimension. Further planned expansions will require a name change to Plane of Presence in 1997 and Volume of Presence in 1998, assuming the company is able to achieve its goal of expanding into the fourth dimension by then. In a related story, a disgruntled Point of Presence employee has left the company and started a rival, called Pointless Presence Company, that will help establish highly graphical Web presences for companies that have no business being on the Internet in the first place, like the international agribusiness concern Haulin Oats. [ECA]