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New Ebooks Explain Snow Leopard User Accounts and File Sharing

by Adam C. Engst

If you have Snow Leopard-related questions about accounts or file sharing, the Take Control series now has the answers in the form of "Take Control of Users & Accounts in Snow Leopard," by Kirk McElhearn, and "Take Control of Sharing Files in Snow Leopard," by Glenn Fleishman.

"Take Control of Users & Accounts in Snow Leopard [1]" -- Read this ebook to learn how to manage all the accounts on your Mac like a pro, even if you are the only person who regularly logs in. You'll learn how to create the right types of accounts for the different people who use your Mac, why you likely need at least two accounts, and what you can do with the many options in the parental controls. Kirk shows you how to set up a troubleshooting account to solve problems, use Fast User Switching, share files between users, manage login and startup items, and more. Kirk even reveals tricks for sharing music and photos among multiple users on your Mac using iTunes and iPhoto. For those who want still more parental control options than those offered in Snow Leopard, the last page of the ebook includes a coupon worth 25 percent off Intego's ContentBarrier X5. 102 pages, $10.

"Take Control of Sharing Files in Snow Leopard [2]" -- Read along with Glenn as he takes you on a tour of all the nitty-gritty details you need to know to configure file sharing to be fast, effective, and secure. You'll learn how to select and configure the right hardware and software for your needs and budget, consider the pros and cons of different file sharing options, find set-up steps for each of the core Mac OS X file-sharing services - AFP, SMB, and FTP (with tips to help you avoid problems and security risks), get the details on setting up accounts, and learn how to log in to Mac file servers from a variety of major operating systems. The ebook specifically discusses the new Snow Leopard Wake on Demand feature and the quirky Snow Leopard firewall, as well as how to share files from iPhoto '09 and iTunes 9. 109 pages, $10.
