This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-10-01 at 7:33 a.m.
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PCalc Prevents iPhone Profanity

by Adam C. Engst

Kudos to James Thomson of TLA Systems for the new profanity filter in PCalc for iPhone [1] - protecting the innocent minds of society's young mathematicians from turning their iPhone calculators upside down...

[image link] [2]

Oh 7734, just 376006 on "calculator words" if you want to go beyond 5318008 and see what other 378163771 words you could have made when you were really bored in math class. And be sure to read James's 6078 post [3], but remember, it's a joke!

Now if only James can use the motion sensor in the MacBook and MacBook Pro to determine when the Mac has been turned upside down, perhaps we'll see this feature ported to PCalc for Mac [4] too.
