This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-09-14 at 12:51 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 14-Sep-09

by Jeff Carlson

Snow Leopard and the ZFS file system -- Support for the ZFS file system has apparently been removed in Snow Leopard, but readers debate whether ZFS offers compelling benefits for users. (6 messages [1])

Post Snow Leopard upgrade experiences -- Have you installed Snow Leopard? Read what others have experienced if you're having problems. (47 messages [2])

Recovering iCal from backup -- A reader gets advice about where to find all the components for restoring iCal calendars from backup. (2 messages [3])

AirPort wireless problems -- A previously functional wireless network setup fails inexplicably. Could the problem be cables gone bad? (2 messages [4])

New External HD prior to new computer -- Read this thread for suggestions on purchasing a new external hard drive. (3 messages [5])

regarding the new iPod nano with video -- A reader wonders if it's possible to control the iPod nano's video recording feature from a connected Mac, and how to access other USB commands. (3 messages [6])

iPhoto - Photo Book irregularity with framing Photos imported into Books -- iPhoto books generally assume a 4:3 aspect ratio, but you can pan and zoom each photo within its slot. (4 messages [7])
