This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-09-07 at 2:33 a.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 07-Sep-09

by Jeff Carlson

Snow Leopard - Novell (not for a while :-( ) -- Novell networks are not yet compatible with Snow Leopard, leading to suggestions for workarounds. (3 messages [1])

Download Volume Measurement -- How can one discover the volume of downloads from an ISP? (6 messages [2])

PGP, Snow Leopard, and Technological Illiteracy -- In a fascinating post, a reader looks at why PGP support is still forthcoming in Snow Leopard, and how Mac OS X 10.6 incorporates lots of low-level changes. (4 messages [3])

Replacement for Tex-Edit Plus? An old favorite text editor isn't making the jump to Snow Leopard, so a reader is looking for a replacement. (8 messages [4])

SugarSync, Dropbox and iWork -- A reader compares the performance of iWork '08 and iWork '09 files when used with SugarSync and Dropbox. (2 messages [5])

Aluminum Keyboard question -- Readers provide suggestions for getting function keys to work properly on an Apple keyboard. (6 messages [6])
