JesterCapWhat?! Something about this article seems odd? Maybe you should read it again carefully, or double-check the date it was published...
This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-04-01 at 12:00 p.m.
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Greg Marriott Attacked

by Adam C. Engst

Greg Marriott Attacked -- We seldom cover news of this nature, but occasional exceptions are in order. Greg Marriott, a long-time Macintosh programmer responsible for parts of System 7, among many other things, was surprised and brutally attacked in his apartment a few weeks ago. With five blows to the head and numerous stab wounds, his attackers left him for dead, but he managed to call 911 and was rushed to a hospital. (He's now doing fine, especially in comparison to the alternative.) I mention this horrible event because Greg's attackers were several months under 18 and can be charged as minors in California. Greg and his friends are trying to convince the District Attorney to try them as adults. If, after reading Greg's account of the ordeal, you agree, there are instructions on a Web page set up by Greg's friends for adding your voice to the hundreds of others who have written to the DA (who is receptive to this support) about this case. The Internet is often accused of distancing us from real life; here's an instance of how the Macintosh community on the Internet can make a real difference in the real world. [ACE]
