This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-08-17 at 11:57 a.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 17-Aug-09

by Jeff Carlson

What Notes Do You Keep on your iPhone/iPod Touch -- Readers share the types of information stored on mobile devices, ranging from lists of books to read to copies of the U.S. Constitution. (4 messages [1])

Apple Upgrade Pricing -- With Snow Leopard around the corner, discussion turns to Apple's lack of upgrade pricing for most applications, especially iLife, and to the license agreements included in the software. (32 messages [2])

Leopard for G4 DP 450mhz? How does Leopard perform on an older system? (7 messages [3])

Escaping from AT&T -- Apparently, you can get out of your AT&T contract without penalties if you move out of the United States and can prove it. (6 messages [4])

Suggestions for iPhone SMS & Call Log monitoring? What options are available to keep track of an iPhone's text messages and phone calls on the Mac? (4 messages [5])

Mail server woes - LetterRip help sought -- A reader using the old LetterRip mailing list software needs help. (2 messages [6])

Wi-Fi connection problem -- Is old AirPort hardware to blame for problems connecting to a wireless network? (2 messages [7])

Worth It? See (feel) a Difference? Readers respond to a question of whether paying $300 to get the fastest MacBook Pro processor is worth the money, or if it's better to improve performance in other ways, such as a faster hard disk. (7 messages [8])
