This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-08-10 at 1:26 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 10-Aug-09

by Jeff Carlson

A crazy prediction that missed - Somewhat -- Ford apparently now embeds a version of Windows into its dashboard software; is this a bad idea? Another reader has tried it, and shares his experience. (2 messages [1])

AppleScript Frustrations -- A reader gets help on TidBITS Talk but his problem remains unsolved. (3 messages [2])

Time Capsule Bumped to 2 TB -- An Apple tech support person says that the latest Time Capsule use a new filesystem and isn't compatible with data stored on earlier Time Capsule. Bunk? (8 messages [3])

Google Voice and the iPhone overseas -- Readers discuss the removal of the Google Voice app from the App Store, and what consequences Apple's actions could have on other carriers that sell the iPhone internationally. (6 messages [4])

NewsGator Switches Users to Google Reader for Sync, Online RSS -- Did NewsGator jump too quickly in turning off its sync servers? Readers discuss the fallout and what it means for the future of RSS. (4 messages [5])

Recommendations for a printer? At what point is it no longer worth repairing an old printer? Readers recommend new models - generally inexpensive laser printers. (17 messages [6])

Web Hosting Company - How do you separate the wheat from the chaff? How can you tell which Web hosting companies are worth paying for and which are headaches in the making? (12 messages [7])

Mac OS X 10.5.8 Fixes Bugs, Plugs Security Holes -- Some readers are confused that the latest Leopard update installs Safari 4.0.2 even though that's already the current version, while others report problems with AirPort networks. (6 messages [8])
