This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-07-12 at 11:04 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 13-Jul-09

by Jeff Carlson

New in-article TidBITS commenting system -- TidBITS Talk readers continue to engage an active discussion of the new commenting system, and how it affects TidBITS Talk. (41 messages [1])

Gmail Inbox glitch -- A reader's Gmail account is delivering some messages to All Mail but not the Inbox. (2 messages [2])

Exporting an SMS message to a text file from iPhone -- The iPhone OS 3.0 allows copy and paste of SMS messages, but The Missing Sync for iPhone can also store SMS messages on the Mac. (8 messages [3])

Mac OS X shutdown vs sleep mode - Really Power and Surge -- You've heard of a lightning strike "frying" computer equipment? Here's how it happens, and what factors help prevent it. (3 messages [4])

Unwanted keyboard shortcuts -- How can you disable a built-in keyboard shortcut like F12 for activating Dashboard? (15 messages [5])

Looking for SkypePhone recommendations -- A reader is looking for a physical phone to use with Skype. (20 messages [6])

Social networks outside the USA -- Are Twitter and Facebook as popular internationally, or do other social networking services hold sway in other countries? (14 messages [7])

Windows on Mac -- With all the versions of Windows XP out there, which one should you buy to install on Boot Camp? (2 messages [8])
