This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-06-29 at 11:08 a.m.
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TidBITS Mail Hub Change: Check Your Filters

by Adam C. Engst

Late last week, as part of our continual upgrade plans, I threw the switch on an infrastructure change with our servers. In an attempt to reduce the effects of the constant onslaught of spam and to start removing myself from the never-ending task of administering email accounts for local users, I'm now routing incoming mail through a different server.

The practical upshot of this change is that the server we use to send the TidBITS, TidBITS Talk, and Take Control mailing lists may now identify itself explicitly as instead of just in various email headers. As a result, if you filter or whitelist email from, you may need to adjust things to pick up as well as

Sorry for any inconvenience this causes!