This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2009-06-22 at 2:18 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 22-Jun-09

by Jeff Carlson

Click to Flash and YouTube -- Click to Flash can automatically display the H.264 QuickTime version of YouTube videos, as can some other utilities. (5 messages [1])

iPhone running software -- Readers discuss which iPod and iPhone models include support for the Nike+ software and hardware. (8 messages [2])

Upgrade to iPod Touch -- With the iPhone updated, readers turn to speculation about what the next revision of the iPod touch will bring, as well as a discussion of getting Internet access at Wi-Fi hotspots. (24 messages [3])

The Art of iPhone Photography -- The iPhone's built-in camera gets the TidBITS Talk scrutiny. (8 messages [4])

Unable to upgrade RAM in dual G5 -- After repeated failure to upgrade RAM in a Power Mac G5, the question of that model's durability comes up. (9 messages [5])

Java update -- Readers report problems when installing the recent Java update that fixes a security vulnerability. (9 messages [6])

Call AT&T for the Best iPhone Upgrade Price -- The $99 iPhone 3G is somewhat misleading when you factor the cost of ongoing cellular service. (7 messages [7])

Clever address field parsing in Web browsers -- Adam likes Firefox's smart suggestions based on what's typed in the address field, although LaunchBar can bring some of the same capabilities to other browsers. (2 messages [8])

Some observations about the new iPhone/iPod Touch OS -- Readers start sharing their impressions of the iPhone OS 3.0 software. (4 messages [9])

Upgrading from iPod Touch to iPhone -- What's the best way to move one's data from an iPod touch to an iPhone? Is it just a matter of plugging in the new device? (1 message [10])

AirPort Express Query -- Can you access more than one printer from an AirPort Express if you attach a USB hub? (2 messages [11])

Switching to Safari 4: plugins? After switching to Safari 4, a reader looks for utilities that replicate the functionality of many Firefox plug-ins. (4 messages [12])
